Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm ba-ack!

So much for keeping up with my blogging...

I was threatened a few days ago that someone (I won't mention any names, but you know who you are) would unsubscribe to my blog, since I haven't been writing anything. Well that changes now!

So, here goes...I am finally in my last month of school! My last class will be on December 4th, and then I will be walking across the stage on the 15th. The two classes that I am taking are Moral Issues in Society, in which I will complete a 20-30 page essay describing a moral issue, and coming up with a definitive proposal of what should be done about said issue. My chosen topic is human cloning. I don't know what should be done about it yet. I will however post my essay once I am done with it, and by then I will have figured something out. Speaking of which you should all vote on my brand new poll! It is just to the left of this entry. Go ahead! I'll wait.

The second class I am taking is History of Mexican Americans. This class is ok, but it wasn't my first choice. Since they weren't offering my first choice this semester, and this was the only class that would have fulfilled my requirements, I decided to go ahead and take it.

Some of you may already know this, but I am getting over being sick with food poisoning. I made a burrito Friday for lunch with faulty beans (meaning I kept them in the fridge too long). Late Friday night I had to take a trip the the bathroom, and kept going back until 8 the next morning. after that I was finally able to keep water down, so I progressed to sprite. a little after lunch-time, I ate most of a saltine cracker, followed by maybe half a cup of Campbell's soup later that evening. This morning I surprised myself by eating 3 saltine crackers. For lunch I ate a few bites of rice. So I have decided that I should continue to be on the "sick-diet." It might compete with the Southbeach and Atkins!

(I am, of course, kidding.)

For those of you who are interested, Max, our feline friend has been very cute lately!

Recently I also gave Max a bath, and he wouldn't speak to me for days! But he is now nice and sparkling clean!


JoeSlice said...

Thanks for the post! Also, thanks for bringing Kim and I dinner tonight, the beans _look_ okay but I'm just not sure....

Shea said...

no problem, but if you start feeling queezy, it is not my fault!

Briana said...

I am glad the stomache bug didn't last too long. I had one all weekend ... yuck! We will keep praying you get through to December with your sanity in tact. :)